My beautiful & dorky family that taught me more than I will ever know.
"The most valuable gift I can give you is your independence and freedom to make your own decisions and choose who you want to me." - Papa Chiou
Being lucky enough to live in Irvine, Southern California and to experience amazing weather even during Winter (thank you parents).
My "ridiculously handsome who gets better looking everyday" boyfriend (quote said boyfriend), main bro, and best friend, and has stuck by me and treats me like a princess in spite all my clingyness, jealousness, forgetfulness, lackofcommonsensicalness, farts (literally) since February 21, 2009.
Being able to see this on my way home.
My family friends who I've grown up with and grown to love as my own sisters (with the exception of the 2nd from right who's actually my sister..)
Being able to spend the Winter holidays in Utah every year where I can escape the aforementioned everlasting sunlight and amazing Socal weather, and experience the beauty of a landscape that goes beyond what your eyes can see.
My precious little brotherman Marley, who's cutecuddlyawesomeadorablefluffyfuzzyness brings happiness, sunshine, rainbows, hearts, stars, and unicorn poop to our family.
Peitro Ferrero, I am eternally grateful to you and your Rochers. Its whole roasted hazelnut insides encased in a wafer shell covered with hazelnut cream, milk chocolate, and chopped hazelnuts make up one of the best chocolates in this entire universe.
Olivia Wilde. Explanation not needed for creating my Kindle in all its awesomely light-compact-thin self complete with e-ink technology/anti-glare/yadayada makes my favorite hobby of reading.. even more of a favorite hobby. Okay, not my best writing, but it'll do. &John Steinbeck, I'm grateful for you as well.
My parents & role models, thank you for your everlasting guidance and support for everything I do. Thank you for putting up with my shenanigans as the older child, my many food(ing) needs, my morning battle cries, my post-used clogged up toilets, and my annoying laughter. I love you two, and thank you for everything in my life.
to be continued..
What are you grateful for in your life?
Until next time,
<3 - Jamie