Grubadubdub Study Time.
[Black Tea & Soy Latte, Caramel Macchiato, Rice Crackers, Strawberry Pocky]
I received a text from my very awesome friend Michael Merchant today that I would like to pass on to everyone.
"They say that luck is when preparation meets opportunity. I hope you enjoy the many opportunies you have this week to show off your skills and preparations. Good luck on finals!"
Although Michael tends to be overly optimistic (and ends up succeeding in everything he does anyway..) this is a great perspective to adopt, or at the very least, to think about when studying for or taking your exams.
Even though I already botched my first opportunity during my 8am final this morning (it should be illegal for college students to wake up this early) by second-guessing myself 2 minutes before I turned in my exam (one of the worst feelings in the world), the only thing I can do it MOVE ON and get my noggin' back into shipshape for my next final tonight.. and the next one.. and the 3 more after that..
Best of luck to everyone! Just remember, Spring Break is just around the corner :)
- Lils
Love the text.