One thing that I am forever grateful to my family for (and Keson), is embedding into my brain-chip the trait of consideration. Consideration is important in that it goes farther than other traits such as being constantly being on top of things, being humble, or being motivated, because it directly affects those around us.
One instance that clearly stands out in my memory is from a trip to the Laguna Beach Holiday Sawdust Festival. It was peak lunch hour and the eating area was very packed. Being the Asian I am, I immediately pounced once a table opened up (and proceeded to wipe it with my 1,000 napkins). While waiting for Keson to pick up our food, I noticed a elderly man (70yrs or so) standing somewhat far away. He didn't even act as if he were looking for a seat, but many people saw him standing there and then resumed eating/talking. I however, got out of my seat, walked towards him, and offered him our table. Although he was one of those grouchy grandpas and didn't express his gratitude, I didn't care because I wasn't looking for a response. I felt satisfied because I was perfectly capable of standing and eating. Even though a man who witnessed the whole thing said to me "Wow, that was a pretty cool thing you just did", it didn't make me feel any more satisfied about what I did.
When you do something good for someone, you should never do it for any other reason besides satisfying your own desire to do it. The moment you set yourself up with expectations about what others should do because you did what you did, you'll only feel dissatisfaction.
Thank you Mommy, for all the times you've taken the least food during a potluck so others will have enough, for all the times you've sacrificed your own itinerary so others will be happy, for all the times you've taught us to not loiter after eating at a restaurant so others can be seated, for all the times you've told us you weren't cold and offered us your jacket instead when we have more arm hair/body fur on one arm than all of yours combined (true story).
Thank you Daddy, for all the times you've gone out of your way to tell your close friends about a good deal for something that they can all benefit from, and for all the times you've taken the time out of your day to teach me something you've learned from Landmark so I can grow as well.
Thank you Harmony, for all the times you've been more mature than your big sister and for always being considerate to le parents.
Thank you Keson, for all the times you've ran forward just to open a door for someone elderly, for all the times you've offered to give a friend a ride home because he/she doesn't drive and for all the times you've given up your own convenience for someone else's sake.
The examples are to be forever continued because in the end, once you put others before yourself and sacrifice your own wants and desires, only then will your actions spur others to pay it forward.
Until next time,
Love this.