Monday, February 6, 2012


Self-improvement is always good for the soul, and one thing I realized today is that I strongly lack patience. While studying at Starbucks today, there was a businessman sitting with his notepad/blackberry/binder/calendar out and ready to go. He waited for at least an hour for whomever he was scheduled to meet. Yes, there were moments when he would tap his feet, steal a glance or two (or 10) at his watch, check his texts/voicemails, and other subtle signs of impatience; he ultimately maintained his composure and was calm and understanding when the person finally arrived (who apparently went to the wrong Starbucks). 

I have been told countless times (cough Keson) that I need to be more patient, which I would then follow up with a "I know [insert excuse for raging at and cutting off the person driving 2 mph slower than me]". But like every other thing in this world, repetition and scolding can only go so far. In order to really understand, accept, and adopt, you have to realize it yourself. 

My dad often tells me that there's no point in wondering or assuming things about the other party. For instance, if I were the businessman, thoughts such as "Did he forget? He probably forgot. Should I text him (again)?  Should I call him to see what's happening? He's so irresponsible. I've been waiting for an hour and he doesn't even have the decency to give me a call." and the list goes on. You'll never be able to guess what's in the other person's mind nor will it do you any good to assume. 

That being said, I will be trying my hardest to be a patient bear from now on. My only exception: slow ass Prius drivers.

Have a great day,

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